Ece Ciftci is a young activist and a social impact leader who believes in the motto 'The World Believed in My Dreams' with an innovative model, and has truly convinced the world to believe in her dreams by striving to turn the talents of other children into careers, making quality education accessible to all children, introducing young people to volunteerism, becoming a role model by providing sustainable resources to the field and accompanying unique stories on a global scale with her corporate experiences.


She started her journey at the age of 14 as a passionate young woman who followed her dreams.


She officialized her social responsibility project that she started in high school, during her undergraduate education and established the SosyalBen Association in 2013.


After completing her undergraduate education in sociology in a short period of 3 years, she decided to continue her education with a doctorate in anthropology by adopting the philosophy of lifelong learning.


As part of the ChangemakerXchange program organized by the Ashoka Foundation, she was selected as a ‘World Changer' and introduced her initiatives to entrepreneurs in Portugal.


She gathered all her work that ensure the sustainability of social and economic benefit under the umbrella of the SosyalBen Foundation. She founded the SosyalBen Store, “Shop for Good”, to provide sustainable funding for her work and the SosyalBen Academy, which provides corporate and individual social responsibility project consultancy.


Within the G20 countries, she represented Turkey at the 2017 G(irls)20 Summit, where young women between the ages of 18-23 conveyed the women's problems in their countries and developed solutions.


She became the first Turkish person to receive an award from the US Department of State at the "Promising Young Leaders" ceremony.


As a guest of Sorbonne University, she told “A Story of Social Entrepreneurship” and at the same time talked about the key factors of social entrepreneurship and young female leadership with students.


Setting off with the motto "For Youth with Youth", she founded the Youth Cooperative, which she dreamed of as a social cooperative on behalf of the rights and responsibilities of young people, aiming to increase youth participation for peace and justice, and where young people gain a sense of responsibility on the concepts of digital and active citizenship.


She put “Umut Parkı” project into practice to ensure children’s access to the right to play that is defined in Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and to support the physical, emotional and psychological well-being of children by bringing them together with the new generation game culture.


SosyalBen Foundation Europe Headquarters | With 14 years of experience in sustaining impact investments through financial resources with the initiatives it has established, SosyalBen Foundation has established its European headquarters in Brussels.


She continues her lobbying activities for the rights of children and young people at the European Union Institutions in Brussels.
Elected as the youngest Standing Committee Member of the Council of Europe INGOs Committee.


Ece Çiftçi Yüzleşme | Başak Kablan

Ece Çiftçi Yüzleşme | Başak Kablan

Yasemin Salihle Bambaşka Sohbetler

Yasemin Salihle Bambaşka Sohbetler



